Improve social integration by connections and meeting networks. The focus of Singa Project is promote job inclusion of migrants enhancing human capital owned by migrants.

First phase is selection, which concerns both mentors (professional already employed for at least three years in the sector or on site) and mentees (newly arrived migrants looking for a job or professional growth). The potential mentors and interested mentees, who learned about the project via LinkedIn or targeted campaigns on Facebook or by word of mouth, can apply by online form. The application form is the initial screening, a face to face interview follows for some of the candidates. Thanks to the knowledge of the profiles and expectations of the candidates, Singa can proceed with the matching between mentor and mentee.

The matched couples are guided in a four-month mentorship process. To lay the groundwork for intercultural mentoring training, the participants receive an individual training session about interculturality and a group session with icebreaking methodologies by SINGA facilitator. In the same meeting, the Singa facilitator favours the presentation of mentor and mentee profiles, leads the participants to goal setting e offers practical tips.

Global goals covered