EXpress – Exchange of Practices for Refugees and migrants’ Self-entrepreneurship
Express – Exchange of Practices for Refugees and migrants’ Self-entrepreneurship is an Erasmus+ project (Young and Active) that started in September 2019 and has been prolonged to 31 October 2021.
Express project has as general objective to empower young migrants and refugees by creating and/or strengthening – where existing – supporting services for the development of self-enterprises.

Read our LTTA report
EXPRESS partners and other organisations from their cities/regions met on 8 and 9 September 2021 for a webinar-LTTA. The seminar had the objective to give project partners and their local networks the opportunity to deepen learning and exchange on key elements for a successful support service dedicated to migrants/refugees willing to become entrepreneurs.
In this framework participants had the occasion to:
- learn and discuss more in depth about local/national and European practices;
- take a specific insight into practices from Belgium;
- receive inputs from EU-level experts;
- encounter EU policy-makers to better situate their own actions at local level in a European policy perspective;
- jointly work on and define a model facilitating the creation and/or strengthening of local
- networks of actors supporting the integration of migrants/refugees through (self-) entrepreneurship.
Project objectives
- Allow partners’ organizations to develop and reinforce networks, increase their capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods and structuring an EXPRESS network between different type of organizations that are dealing or willing to approach work integration of young migrants/refugees through self-entrepreneurship.
- Collect all practices shared among partners and covering the entire value chain for self- entrepreneurship schemes across Europe, that can be divided as follows: a. competence assessment of young migrants/refugees; b. training on self-entrepreneurship; c. mentoring scheme; d. informative campaign; e. networking activities; f. support to access financing/social financing.
- Spreading knowledge, sharing project results to raise awareness and start-up a dedicated network (community of practices).
AKEP – Academy of Entrepreneurship
REVES – European Network of Cities & Regions for the Social Economy
Sol.Co. Camunia – Solidarieta’ e Cooperazione
Steps of the value chain