Berlin Newcomer StartUp Award

highly doped Award for entrepreneurs with migrant background (incl. refugees) – linked to an awareness raising campaign Call for 2 categories: “newcomer” entrepreneurs with an own new established  business Potential “newcomer” entrepreneurs with a business idea Pre-selection of final groups followed by a training for the public presentation   Public prize-giving, in 2019 handed over by […]

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Mikrofonden Väst

Cooperatives, associations, rural development groups and social enterprises can apply for guarantee for loans in a bank. This is a model that have a substantial impact on the Social Economy in Sweden. Cooperative, associations, rural development groups among others are in a bad position getting loans from the traditional finance system. Mikrofonden is owned by […]

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Human Safety Net Programme

The start-up programme Human Safety Net implemented by Social Impact Lab Munich supports people with a migration or refugee background who want to start their own business in Germany. Participants are provided with experienced coaches who are the contact persons for questions and problems during the start-up process, guide the development of the business model […]

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SINGA BUSINESS LAB applies consequently a human centred program design (design thinking), probably unique in Germany for this target. High involvement of external experts/entrepreneurs with migrant background for training and mentoring. practice/model: each group ca. 15 NEWCOMERS, around 50% refugees weekly workshops (short thematic input on general topics like accounting, juridical issues, marketing; most part […]

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Berlin Newcomer StartUp Award

Highly doped Award for entrepreneurs with migrant background (incl. refugees) linked to an awareness raising campaign. The AWARD stimulates/supports new business ideas, mainly of newcomers (in 2019, around 30 participants). For the winners, the AWARD is linked directly to financial support, given as a grant, not as a loan. It contributes to more public attention […]

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