Mentoring program to start a business for newcomers

Reach new arrivals with information on how to start and run a company in Sweden. To prepare and support them in their start through individual counseling and training. Mentor program – each project participant was matched with a mentor who supported and guided the participant based on his or her needs. The mentors were local […]

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Microcredit for women holders of international protection

The project involved the development and testing of a training methodology aimed at applicants for international protection and operators in the migration sector, concerning the opportunities offered by microfinance in Italy and aimed at providing basic elements of financial education and business management. First phase is selection, which concerns both mentors (professional already employed for […]

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Improve social integration by connections and meeting networks. The focus of Singa Project is promote job inclusion of migrants enhancing human capital owned by migrants. First phase is selection, which concerns both mentors (professional already employed for at least three years in the sector or on site) and mentees (newly arrived migrants looking for a […]

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Business Coaching Center (BCC) program

The main goal of the program is the support of marginalized social groups, tackling of social and economic exclusion to establish their own business and create new jobs, leading to economic and social development. The BCC program is comprised by three compulsory modules: 10 seminars on development of entrepreneurial competences (business model canvas, (digital) marketing, […]

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To show refugees (and migrants) that self-employment can be a good option, mentoring partnerships are formed with so-called Gründerpaten. These are volunteers – entrepreneurs, people interested in start-ups, employees in management positions or Wirtschaftsjunioren. They give guidance to the refugee and share their business network and entrepreneurial spirit. By setting up mentoring partnerships, the idea […]

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