
Through the initiative “Welcommon”, the social cooperative “Wind of Renewal”, together with public and private (NGO) partners from Greece and other countries, was able to cover the basic needs of up to 200 refugees and promote their education, training and integration into the labour market. The WELCOMMON Hostel has a quite uncommon history. For many […]

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Mentoring program to start a business for newcomers

Reach new arrivals with information on how to start and run a company in Sweden. To prepare and support them in their start through individual counseling and training. Mentor program – each project participant was matched with a mentor who supported and guided the participant based on his or her needs. The mentors were local […]

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Through the program, participants get tools and support to identify their own valuable resources (knowledge, skills, skills, contacts, passions and interests) and translate these into value-creating activities for others and thus increase the motivation of the participants. In this way, the participant’s learning is based on their own resources and assets, which makes each participant’s […]

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La Ruche, incubateur pour entrepreneurs réfugiés

Many people in a situation of migration are in Île-de-France and find themselves isolated in their community. Indeeed, Île-de-France alone concentrates half of France’s asylum requests. This programsupport entrepreneurs who have a migration path and who wish to launch their business project in France. The program is divided into 3 stages: 2 days of immersion […]

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The initiative Univerbal aims to develop the language skills of migrants in their native language and in French in order to structure a community interpreting service that can meet the needs of languages not covered by the Walloon SETIS. During the training, activities are based on the following objectives: Discover the profession of interpreter in […]

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